We will deliver your shed to you!

Before delivery the majority of our sheds are built in our shop, where efficiency and environment are controllable.

Our delivery trailer is specifically designed for transporting sheds and placing them right where you need them. A hydraulic system does the heavy lifting for us, and precision controls allow for adjustments down to the final inch. Bringing your shed home has never been easier!

If your shed site cannot be accessed by our truck and delivery trailer, we load up our tools and materials and bring it all to you by building your shed on site.

Site Preparation for your shed.

The 4×4 treated skids are suitable for direct ground contact. Minor shimming and blocking can be done to make final adjustments, not to exceed an inch or two.

A compacted gravel pad provides a great way to level a sloping site. This method also provides continuous support to the runners, giving the greatest satisfaction and longevity overall.

Pier blocking can be used; however, creating a consistent height, the lack of continuous support, and extra difficulty for setting the shed on top of piers make it a less than desirable method.

We can provide you with a gravel shed pad service. With this option, you have a laser leveled, vibratory plate compacted site with a professional touch. Various edging options can be used, as needed or desired. Your shed will have a solid, consistent footing, something blocking and piers can’t achieve.